Monday, December 10, 2007


I enjoyed writing these blogs although I will admit that I did many at the last minute. It is nice to have because it is an account of my life at one point. I had a chance to vent about the stupid, obnoxious people at St. John's and it made me feel a lot better. It was a place where I could release my anger and stress and I'm thankful for that. It is also therapeutic to have something to write in.

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf is a fun movie for people of all ages. Michael J.Fox plays a young boy in highschool that turns into a werewolf. As himself to others he is a nobody, but everyone loves the wolf. The wolf is excellent at basketball and good with the ladies. This movie is very funny and I would recommend it to anyone who is in need of a good laugh. The script or acting isn't anything fantastic but it is a movie for people of all ages and there any many of those left.

The Boston Red Sox

I have a genuine hate for the Boston Red Sox. The fact that they have won the World Series two times in a row really gets under my skin. I still remember the playoffs, when it was the Red Sox playing the Yankees. When Pedro threw Don Zimmer on the ground, at the time a 73 YEAR OLD MAN, I was mortified. You truly have to be a piece of garbage to do something like that. The team also started a bunch of fights and conducted themselves like barbarians. They never shave and look like trash most of the time. It truly sickens me that they won the World Series, and next year I'd love it if the Red Sox were up three games and then lost the next four to the Yankees.

Why I Want to be a Teacher

I want to be a teacher because I love children. I do not want them to feel uncomfortable in school like I once did. Children go to school to learn, not to constantly feel nervous and on the spot. I will not be one of those teachers that the children dread but one that they enjoy getting taught by. I will also not let bullying and calling out go on. I feel bullying goes on too often and the teachers don't say anything because they are intimidated themselves. I will also not be a permissive or authoratative, but somewhere in the middle. I can't stand teachers that get sick pleasure out of embarrassing their students and calling on them. They use their power for different purposes that what it is meant for. I had a philosophy teacher IN COLLEGE who loved doing this. These people shouldn't be professors, and I can't wait until I can teacher so I can prove to children that there are good teachers out there.

Fishing Weight

My dad told me a story the other day that fascinated me. He was always very close with his father, and when he died it devastated him. They did everything together, their favorite hobby being fishing. One day when my father was in the basement, he was walking to the bathroom when a fishing weight dropped onto his head. This could not be explained because the fishing weight came out of nowhere. He figured it must be his father sending him a sign that he was watching over him. This story made me feel great because it is a palpable sign that spirits do exist, and are still among us after death.

Strange Occurences and Deaths

I know this might be a little personal, but all of my grandmother's brothers and sisters have died in strange ways. My grandmother grew up in Germany, and had four siblings. Her father was evil and liked to play mindgames with his children. My grandmother has a rabbit, which she loved very dearly. Her father knew this and took the rabbit one day. He asked her if she loved him, and when she replied yes he snapped its neck. He also held his daughter out of the window and threatened to drop her if his wife did not have his dinner on the table in five minutes. When he refused to help the germans during WW2, he was thrown into a concentration camp. My grandmother never heard from him again, but knows he survived because people said they saw him from time to time. Her brothers and sisters also died in strange ways. Two of her sisters were hit by trains, and one of her brothers was in the shed after working one day. He went to drink his milk, but it turned out to be poison and he died. Her other brother was hit by a tractor. I do not see how all of these deaths can be coincedences. They all happened in freaky ways. Even though this story is sort of personal and horrible, at the same time it is interesting.

Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards are boards with the alphabet, numbers 1-10, and the words yes, no and goodbye. This is sold as a boardgame to children as old as seven, but is this really an instrument children should be playing with? I have had a first hand experience with one of these "toys" that turned me away forever. Me and my friend were really bored one day and took the Ouija board into a cemetery. This was really stupid and I will acknowledge how stupid this was. Anyway, we went into the cemetery and sat down among the tombstones. We started asking questions, and at first the board didn't work. When my friend asked the board for a sign that something was there, a tree branch broke. This might sound crazy but this actually happened. We were a little scared but thought this was amazing at the same time. My friend then asked the board if it was good or bad. I thought my friend was moving the triangle but I could feel the force it was moving and I am pretty sure he wasn't! The board answered "my name is fred". It then said "i am evil". I have never ran faster than I have that day. Ever since then I will never pick up a Ouija board again. I truly think it is an instrument of the devil, and can only bring bad fortune.