Monday, December 10, 2007

Strange Occurences and Deaths

I know this might be a little personal, but all of my grandmother's brothers and sisters have died in strange ways. My grandmother grew up in Germany, and had four siblings. Her father was evil and liked to play mindgames with his children. My grandmother has a rabbit, which she loved very dearly. Her father knew this and took the rabbit one day. He asked her if she loved him, and when she replied yes he snapped its neck. He also held his daughter out of the window and threatened to drop her if his wife did not have his dinner on the table in five minutes. When he refused to help the germans during WW2, he was thrown into a concentration camp. My grandmother never heard from him again, but knows he survived because people said they saw him from time to time. Her brothers and sisters also died in strange ways. Two of her sisters were hit by trains, and one of her brothers was in the shed after working one day. He went to drink his milk, but it turned out to be poison and he died. Her other brother was hit by a tractor. I do not see how all of these deaths can be coincedences. They all happened in freaky ways. Even though this story is sort of personal and horrible, at the same time it is interesting.

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